Ludum Dare 56 entry - Theme: Tiny creatures

Kill wasps, Kill logs, Kill cars in this endless beat em' up.


Move WASD D/Pad / Left Stick
Punch Space Xbox:X / PS:Square
Mute MusicM(forgot, I'll add later)

Update: 10/09/2024

- Fixed a big causing new zones to generate on top of each other

- Fixed a bug preventing new Highway zones from generating, embarassing for a game named "Highway Crossing Frog"

Outstanding bugs:

- Hitboxes sometimes not properly registering a hit

All assets were created by me during the jam except the music.

The music is Double Hilt - "Last Fight for the Championship" from the Fanatical - Hard Rock and Heavy Metal pack

Tools used:

- Godot game engine

- Blender for 3D modelling and animation

- Krita for textures

- MS Paint for more textures when I was in a rush

- jsfxr for sound effects

Outstanding bugs: A lot

All assets except the music made by me

Music is Double_Hilt-Last Fight for the Championship from the Fanatical - Hard Rock and Heavy Metal pack

The game in a nutshell:


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Making dreams a reality!!!

Nice job!
